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zen habits: Nifty Links for Feb. 6, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Nifty Links for Feb. 6, 2007

  • Kiddley: Save and Spend Jars. Nice little hack instead of buying the cool-looking Money Savvy Pig ... teaches your kids to save some of their money (and give some to charity) rather than just spending.
  • Thrifty Mommy: 50 Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill. This woman truly knows the ways of thriftiness. My hat's off to her. Read this whether you just want a few cost-saving tips, or if you want to go full-out and really save.
  • My Two Dollars: Making the Financial Sacrifice to Get What You Want. Great post on how he and his wife transformed and simplified their lives, giving up a lot of luxuries, to get what they really wanted: to live on the beach. Inspiring.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. I just found your site the other day and it is very inspirational...still reading through all the posts!

Leo said...

Thanks, David! I'm glad you like the site. Keep checking in (or subscribe) ... I have a lot of new articles planned or already written.

It's funny, because I thought your post on making sacrifices was very inspirational myself. It actually got me thinking about trying to live on the beach myself. Right now I live about 5 minutes away, but it's not the same thing.

I'll look more into your site tonight ... and you're going on my blogroll!

Anonymous said...

just a note to let you know how much i enjoy your blog - it's a source of real inspiration to me - thanks so much!

Leo said...

Hi Patti ... are you Patti of 37 Days? You're blog has been an inspiration to me! Keep up the great work. Thanks for the comment and I'm delighted to hear you like Zen Habits. Keep coming back or subscribe!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding me Leo, I just added you to my list as well. :-)

Leo said...

Thanks David ... I also subscribed to your site. Great work there, btw.

Anonymous said...

Leo - yes, I'm Patti of 37days - thanks for your comment about my work - I'm already one of your subscribers and love coming here... cheers!